Installing nCrypt Light nCrypt Light is supplied as a Newton Package. You can install this package using the Newton Connection Kit or Newton Package Installer.   Using Newton Package Installer   First, you need to connect your Newton to your Macintosh. Use LocalTalk connectors or a serial cable (a serial cable is supplied with Newton Connection Kit; you can also use a ‘serial printing cable’—most Mac shops have these for connecting Macs to ImageWriter printers). Launch Newton Package Installer. If this is the first time you are using Newton Package Installer, you must select the type of connection you have established with Newton:   When you have selected the connection type and clicked OK, choose Install Package… from the File Menu and select the nCrypt Light package and click Open.   On your Newton, open the Extras drawer and tap the Connection icon. Select the type of connection you have established and tap Connect.   The Newton Package Installer will now install nCrypt Light.